Running for the 6's at MIR!
It’s been a good first day of racing with our G3 Hemi brethren here at the Modern Street HEMI Shootout race at Maryland International Raceway.
After overcoming an oil pressure sensor that kept telling the control system it had low pressure and unceremoniously shutting the engine off, BlackbirdX finally got a chance to crack it’s afterburners a bit, albeit on an easy launch, soft tune up run. Of course, Alex Austin Laughlin, kept at it along with Keith West and as always Keaton Vester and the always supportive Jena Turk.
Even better than just BlackbirdX finally making a pass, Catherine Kosiba and Marc Heidings were making side by side, pass after pass, 7 second runs in their Blackbird Performance Race Spec powered Drag Paks…Brad Kosiba tuning theirs to a best of 7.75 at over 177.
And then Doug Ritter took what was meant to be his 8.50 index class Demon, went an 8.34, nearly perfectly slowed it to a 8.51 with Marc’s tuning help and then decided, tune it up and went Hemi Outlaw racing. He ran Dan VanHorn in the final with an admirable effort going a 5.21 in the 1/8th.
The great news is we get to do it again tomorrow with the second Mopar event at MIR. We’ll go have some more fun with BlackbirdX, which looks to have a tenth or two left in it, in this configuration…which actually is above minimum weight, has less pulley (a 3.25” vs. 3.125”) than what NHRA currently specifies in Factory X … finally showing the promise of what these FX cars could be running, with hopefully some 6.6-6.7s runs in this fantastic air to come.
A few more tweaks and will be ready for that NHRA Pro Stock match race. Bring it Erica