Valve Covers Shipping Soon!

Valve Covers Shipping Soon!

We know as consumers, and now producers, in the high performance aftermarket, it’s not uncommon to see and get excited about products shown at PRI and then it sometimes is 6 months, a year or more before they are actually available.
We wanted all the products we had shown to be shipping early this year, ideally in late January or February.
We shipped our first paid for customer supercharger belt tensioner yesterday, Gordon Paden at Scoggin Dickey Parts Center, with the balance of orders shipping next week. After that, two or three partners, starting with Scoggin Dickey, will have them in stock as we continue to build inventory and all take additional orders.
Today I ran up to the Piqua Emery Foundry to get the first batch of cast valve covers and a huge thanks to David Martin, Ricky Brooks and the team there for making further improvements, refinements and getting them done. More to come in the next weeks.
Those castings are now in the highly skilled hands and with the giant master machining mind of Justin Small and the the team at CSP Machine, to begin powder coating and machining, and should be shipping the first of them next week.
The biggest thanks to all the customers who placed their orders and had faith we would actually make and deliver for their G3 Hemi powered dreams.

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